
United Kingdom

Illuminos are brothers Matt and Rob Vale, creating visually inventive, memorable projection artworks and experiences. Their works range from very large scale illumination to small scale imagery, but always working to create something unique and specific to location and viewer. Combining elements of installation, dance, movement and music through film and architecture, each project that they approach develops from an exploration of the emotions of an environment, aiming to capture the essence of a place, space or feeling as a shared moment of time. They exhibit internationally with projection work for the European Capital of Culture closing ceremony in Paphos, Cyprus, as well as projection works in Japan, Italy, France, Germany, USA and Ireland.


Festival of Lights Award 2024

Without Cage

Our concept for ‘Dreams of Tomorrow’ on the Charlottenburg Palace uses the motif of the raven and dove, set free to find new lands beyond the flood, and the rainbow of light that follows.
Using the architecture and form of the Palace, a vast birdcage is revealed, pillar and window as frame and enclosure. Great waves of water flood through this form, before a single small bird silhouette forms centrally. A great murmuration of birds spiral outwards from here, and the vast wings of the raven engulf the space. It bends and pulses the cage,
raining fire downwards on all sides. But light follows darkness, and it is transformed into the white dove, nightmares move to dreams, as the cage is finally shattered, and raven and dove erupt outwards, in rainbows of colour and droplets on all sides.


You are welcome to photograph this installation for personal use. However, we would like to remind you that any commercial use of photos and videos of the installation without our permission is strictly prohibited. Thank you.