Embassy of the Republic of Singapore 2019

Diversity of Cultures – Art Motifs on the Theme of Kaleidoscope at the Embassy of Singapore

For the third time, the Embassy of the Republic of Singapore called for an international competition. Kaleidoscope was this year’s motto. The kaleidoscope is an optical device with mirrors inside that creates beautiful images. But it is also a fitting metaphor for the cultural diversity of the two metropolises Singapore and Berlin.

Ten finalists showed their ideas and understanding of the power that comes from the beauty and energy of an exchange of cultures on the modern facade of the embassy. They came from China, Singapore, Berlin, Pakistan, France, America and Mexico. Festival-goers were able to vote online for their personal favorite among the luminous artworks.

Here are the works of all finalists:

1st place: Noor Alvi (Pakistan)

2nd place: Yocondo Ratio (Mexico)

3rd place: Sarah Brophy (USA)

Ernest Seah (Singapore)

Lee Tatham (Germany)

Typru (France)

Anius (Shanghai)

Thomas Schmidt (Germany)

Soh Ee Shaun (Singapore)

Sascha Günay (Germany)