Debora Ruppert


Debora Ruppert is an internationally active freelance photographer specializing in socially critical portrait photography. Her artistic work focuses on addressing pressing social and political issues such as homelessness, poverty, human trafficking, displacement, and forced prostitution. Her photographs provide an unfiltered glimpse into the lives of marginalized individuals—from the rough sleepers on the streets of Berlin to women in Eastern Europe who have fallen victim to human trafficking and forced prostitution, to child slaves in Haiti, and single mothers in the slums of Malawi.
Ruppert’s work serves as a powerful testament to social injustice and has been featured in renowned online media outlets such as SZ Magazin, ZEIT, and SPIEGEL.
Her photo series “Voices of the Street – Perspectives from Homeless and Houseless People” is on display at the Freundeskreis Willy Brandt Haus until November 10, 2024.



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