Ministries & Institutions
A selection of photos and videos from recent years:

Federal Ministry of Finance

Creating Tomorrow – this year, the Federal Ministries, the Federal Press Office, the European House and the Federal Foreign Office followed the festival motto individually with their themes of the future: a video mapping by the Federal Foreign Office was directed against institutional violence and discrimination against Asian people. The Federal Ministry of Finance focused its motifs on a future-oriented budgetary and financial policy. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals could be seen in a projection by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. Freedom of the press was the focus of the Federal Press Office and on the historic façade of the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure the paths we take in life were illuminated. A strong, common Europe is also part of our future.
For the 15th FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS, the Federal Ministry of Finance told the stories of its official building, which are closely linked to the history of the Berlin Wall. The events served as a reminder that freedom cannot be taken for granted and must be defended anew every day. With this special message, everyone was able to participate via social media within an interactive festival action of the ministry and once again powerfully tear down the Wall.
Federal Foreign Office

“Faces of Europe” on the facade of the Federal Foreign Office. An extraordinary journey took photo artist Carsten Sander through all EU member states in 2020 on behalf of the Federal Foreign Office on the occasion of the EU Council Presidency. His mission: 1000 portrait photos of people from the most diverse ethnic and social backgrounds. 1000 Faces of the European Union – an outstanding demonstration of European sentiments and a work about peaceful coexistence, tolerance and shared values.
At the 15th Festival, the Foreign Office in Berlin once again told the story of liberation and redemption on its facade: “I have come to you to inform you that today your departure…”. The rest of the speech by then-Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher was lost in the frenetic cheers and “Freedom! Freedom!” shouts of the almost 4,000 GDR citizens who had sought refuge in the building and garden of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Prague.
Fotocredit: Frank Herrmann, Florian Ullbrich