Oberbaum Bridge
Selected photos and videos from recent years:

One of Berlin’s most beautiful bridges, the Oberbaum Bridge has once again connected East and West since the fall of the Wall 34 years ago. An equally historic event was on display on the south side of the bridge this year: 2023 was the 50th anniversary of hip-hop, which was founded on 11 August 1973 in the basement of the Bronx neighbourhood in New York City and started a worldwide cultural movement. To honour the great milestone, “50th Anniversary of Hip-Hop” presented a special projection show featuring the legendary hip-hop artists who helped change the world.
The 3D video mapping on the Oberbaumbrücke 2021 drew a visual spectacle for the best possible coexistence between humans and nature. It was about being able to shape a future worth living only through the union of Mother Earth and the human spirit. For a bridge to this future, therefore, the pure forces of nature must understand and join forces with modern technology in the best possible way.
As one of the most beautiful bridges in Berlin, the Oberbaumbrücke has once again connected East and West since the fall of the Wall over 30 years ago. Presented by the O₂ brand, the artfully illuminated bridge once again became a symbol of freedom during the 16th FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS. The 3D – projection show “The Evolution of Communication” artistically stages the rapid development of technology and the importance of easy and fast access to digital communication for all people.
Around 3 October, there were a few luminous highlights on the occasion of the “30 Years of German Unity” festival. From the bank of the Universal Music building, astonished visitors watched a unique 3D video mapping on the Oberbaumbrücke.