A pattern showing your diversity. A sign of our love.

Our passengers are as colourful and diverse as BVG and Berlin itself. With us, everyone is equal and always welcome. We transport diversity. Literally. So, who better than us to transport a message of diversitv?

That’s why we are now displaying this diversity where nobody can miss it: on the seats of our buses and trains.

Our ‘pattern of diversity’ consists of many colourful figures. They are people who are completely different from one another: male, female and non-binary. They love who they like. They have different cultures. They are young and old, big and small, fat and thin. It shows people with and without disabilities. Each individual silhouette has been lovingly designed and integrated to create a unique symbol of diversity.


A symbol that we will proudly and permanently show off everywhere: our new seat pattern ‘Diversity’.

For this year’s Festival of Lights, themed ‘Diversity shines bright – colours of life’, we can therefore not imagine anything more suitable than to make this message shine through: by illuminating the whole city with our‘pattern of diversity’ – from the Berlin TV tower – to serve as a powerful symbol of diversity that simply can’t be ignored.

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is Germany’s largest public transport company. 15,800 employees provide environmentally friendly and modern mobility in the German capital around the clock, 365 days a year. With nine subway lines, 22 streetcar lines, more than 160 bus lines and six ferries, BVG reliably transports several million passengers to their destinations every day. With the intelligent networking of various mobility services and digital offerings, the state-owned company is actively advancing the transportation turnaround in Berlin. The goal is: environmentally friendly and modern mobility for all!
