European House

As a prominent resident of the Pariser Platz, the multimedia exhibition ERLEBNIS EUROPA has been participating in the Festival of Lights for years and is contributing to the festive illumination of the square again this year with its LED walls. In particular, this year’s festival motto “Colours of Life” reads like a variation of the EU motto “United in Diversity”. Accordingly, our light animation is about diversity, participation, democracy and freedom. We can see from the sad developments at Europe’s borders in recent years that these achievements cannot be taken for granted. If we want to continue to live in a peaceful and united Europe, we must actively work for it.


Artistic light installations and performances as well as opportunities for discussion about Europe await visitors to the exhibition EXPERIENCE EUROPE on the Festival of Lights weekends. The light animation is about diversity and democracy, because the European elections are on 9.6.2024! And if we don’t use our voice, others will decide for us. You want to get involved? Join us at